Words (still) matter

(And I’m tired of algorithms)

Words matter. Words are powerful. But in an age of TikTok videos and Reels, words have been devalued. If you can’t make 60-second videos, you’re relegated to the sidelines. I’m also tired of algorithms deciding what’s most important for YOU to see. They care more about keeping people on their platforms than highlighting important information.

I don’t think that’s right.

I still think there’s a place for words, for insights, for thoughts. For choice. That’s why I started, “Dear Jon.” It’s my daily (5+ posts per week) blog where I share thoughts on faith, life, family, mental health, addiction, recovery, and whatever else God tells me to write.

That’s not a throwaway comment. I actually ask God every morning what to write, and he tells me. I don’t plan it out religiously. I don’t have themes. I just get up, pray, journal, and then write what he says I need to write and what you need to hear.

So who am I?

I’m a dad, a husband, and an entrepreneur. I have a degree in politics, philosophy, and economics from a school in New York City. But I’m a storyteller. I’ve written nearly 10,000 posts in my lifetime, helping lead organizations like I Am Second and Kirk Cameron’s digital platform. I was in the news business before that, having started a top-50 news website that’s still going today (although I’m not involved anymore). And even though I consult businesses, non-profits, and content creators, my first love — my true love — is writing. Every day.

I write about faith. About life. About my struggles and my trials (especially related to alcohol). I’m radically vulnerable, maybe to a fault. In an age of filters and heavily edited videos, I bring a raw and real component to my little corner of the internet. In fact, I wrote a #1 bestselling book on faith and mental health that showcases that approach. It even became a top-100 bestseller on all of Amazon.

Me, my daughter (Annie,) my son (Jack), and my wife (Brett).

So why a paid subscription?

By becoming a paid subscriber to “Dear Jon” for just $5/month, you allow me to keep writing, keep discovering, and keep sharing with YOU with no interruptions. It allows me to say tough, hard things that may be unpopular. It allows me to say “no” to other things. I’m still going to write, don’t get me wrong. But your support makes it easier.

Paid subscribers get full access to every post, the ability to comment on everything, monthly video sessions, and the full archives.

Let me be clear, though: You don’t have to pay. You can subscribe for free.

I will be making selected posts each week available at no charge. However, subscribing for a nominal fee helps me devote the most time to writing and sharing with you, and gives you full access to everything.

Click the button below to see all the subscription options, including the free one.

Helpful Guide

I’ve also created a little guide for you so you know exactly what you get if you upgrade to paid. Read it here.

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There is an app, by the way. Every new post is sent directly to your email inbox, but for a spam-free, ad-free reading experience, plus other features, get the Substack app.

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Daily inspiration on faith, mental health, addiction, hope, and life. Thoughtful, inspiring, and challenging. Simple, but not easy. From #1 bestselling author Jonathon M. (Jon) Seidl.


Storyteller, writer, and speaker. Recovering alcoholic all about messy sanctification, radical vulnerability, and God’s grace. #1 Bestselling author of "Finding Rest: A Survivor's Guide to Navigating the Valleys of Anxiety, Faith, and Life."