May 27Liked by Jonathon M. Seidl

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would have loved to be able to read that letter 20 years ago, the evening I was sitting on my bed and thinking that somehow this suffering, this misfitting, this not-belonging feeling, had to end. The choice was either to put myself under the train the next day or to start a therapy. That night, I chose to live but it was a close one and I began a beautiful journey to meet and learn to love myself. Much later, I understood through faith that, as all living creature, I was very much loved and never ever alone. Thank you Jon for making a difference in our lives with that letter. Lots of love.

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Geraldine, thank you so much for sharing your story.

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May 27·edited May 27Liked by Jonathon M. Seidl

This seems to be a subject right now. It seems Fridays suicide of pro golfer Grayson Murray put up a red flag, I don’t know. It got me thinking and I posted a story just last night about a friend.

I have my own depression issues. I’ve dealt with it for a while. Fortunately it never has nor is it severe enough to have suicide in the equation. I have my counselor and we talk often. I am probably most fortunate that I can recognize things and react before they go totally to hell. I feel the best when I can help someone out. Today’s therapy is sharing this and maybe just maybe help someone realize the things you speak of.

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May 17Liked by Jonathon M. Seidl

You’re a blessing for writing this! It is so true. I too had a period where I wanted to leave this world, when I was 13. I can’t help but think, if I had gone through with it, I wouldn’t have experienced all the beautiful life that’s gotten me to where I am now as a 21 year old. I just graduated college. I thank God for the life he’s given me. I’ve left my mark on the world SO much since I was 13 and there are so many marks left to leave. We all have something to offer, it’s true. God can make us more perfect through our weakness. He wants to be our best friend, always. Sticking around is so worth it.

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So glad you’re still here, Elaine. So glad.

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May 26Liked by Jonathon M. Seidl

Thanks so much for bringing this into the light 🙏🏼

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So appreciate you, Caroline.

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May 26Liked by Jonathon M. Seidl

All I can say is THANK YOU for caring enough to share your personal struggles, it really does help get through the rough days.

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Thank you, Paula!

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"The darkness crept in until it nearly took over everything." This same feeling happened to me in 2017. I didn't die. Thank God.

There's a guy in my local church who pulled the trigger at his brain and said to God, 'If You're real, I won't die.' And he didn't die. It was a miracle, said his doctor. He has been a follower of Jesus ever since.

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Yes. So beautiful said.

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