Wow I love this...listening now. I 100% identify with this having been too "loud" and too sharp of elbows, etc. look forward to learning from him.

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Carrie!!! You are not alone!

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Just listened. Wow! Would love to connect with you. Also I'm not a rando haha Jon's having me on his podcast soon. And love what you said about learning to thrive in the private space. Totally understand your wiring and yes the hustle culture can definitely become an addiction. My stupid decision almost killed me, I created a media company that almost bankrupted me and landed me in the hospital 7x in 2019 and I suffered from suicidal physical pain that actually did have me hit that 9th symptom of depression. I don't know enough about the details of your situation, but it's interesting because based on my experience, it might have been smart for you to pull the rip cord and if you had stayed perhaps you would have also suffered from an even worse depression (which is what I did--I stayed til the bitter end). Regardless, both of us could/should have listened to the warning signs that we needed a sabbatical from the hustle culture in whatever format that sabbatical that looked like. I ignored multiple rip cords from my startup, I called them off ramps. I'm glad that you realized your boundaries, I wish that I had sooner before I did push myself over the brink. I believe now that I pushed myself WAY farther because the media company was my source of purpose--it was ultimately a trauma response to a traumatic childhood and it made me feel like I was fulfilling the void left by the abuse. And lol yes I have physical scars from the IVs in my arms from the hospital visits. I'm not proud of the scars, but they are definitely a powerful reminder and wouldn't recommend it. Here's my story if you're interested: https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2024/january-february/carrie-sheffield-testimony-motorhome-prophecies-politics-id.html

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"Not a rando".... that got me...

Thanks for sharing - there are so many nuances to everyone's story -

would love to connect

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