"Dear Jon"
That Was Stupid
The one where the ESPN star gives it all up

The one where the ESPN star gives it all up

Jason Romano was at the pinnacle of his professional career. He was, after all, the digital producer at ESPN on its biggest radio show, "Mike and Mike." but after 17 years at "the worldwide leader," he started getting an itch to do something different. Something bigger. Something of greater consequence. So he took a contract position with zero benefits and a 40% pay cut to help start...a sports podcast. How did it turn out? Well, that's his "that was stupid" story. Jason gives an in-depth look at the decision, how it turned out, and what some of ESPN's biggest stars told him at the time.

"Dear Jon"
That Was Stupid
Candid conversations on taking chances and proving everyone wrong! A fun, informative, and creative show interviewing leaders, celebrities, influencers, newsmakers, and even regular people about monumental, life-changing decisions that caused everyone at the time to say, "That was stupid."