"Dear Jon"
That Was Stupid
The one where the influencer refuses to be influenced

The one where the influencer refuses to be influenced

Sydney Pritchard Benson (Sydney Michelle Benson) is an influencer. That might make some people cringe. After all, an influencer's job is to, well, influence people. And there are plenty of "influencers" who confirm the stereotypes. Sydney, though? She's different. In fact, she did something really stupid when it came to her wedding. She refused to be influenced by the closest people to her. Instead of throwing a massive Texas wedding (where everything is bigger) she eloped. That caused a lot of strife. So how does an influencer get to the point where she throws the smallest wedding possible instead of the biggest? Well, you'll just have to listen...

"Dear Jon"
That Was Stupid
Candid conversations on taking chances and proving everyone wrong! A fun, informative, and creative show interviewing leaders, celebrities, influencers, newsmakers, and even regular people about monumental, life-changing decisions that caused everyone at the time to say, "That was stupid."