"Dear Jon"
That Was Stupid
The one where the pastor makes a truly stupid decision (Episode 11)

The one where the pastor makes a truly stupid decision (Episode 11)

He made a decision out of fear, burn-out, and overload. And he instantly regretted it. Now he's giving you permission to lead loud and large.

Note: The audio version of the “That Was Stupid” podcast is ALWAYS available for free right here or wherever you get your podcasts. Click here to find it on your favorite platform.

No one is immune from making a stupid decision. Not even a pastor from one of the country’s largest churches. Let me introduce you to Lee Coate.

Lee is an executive pastor at The Crossing Church in Las Vegas. He’s a sought-after speaker and consults other churches and ministries all across the country through Growmentum. And his advice is based on experience — painful experience at that.

At one point in his career, Lee was so burned out he “pulled the ripcord,” as he puts it. That decision led to a lot of pain, but also a lot of growth.

That growth has now culminated in a new book called “Being Peter,” where Lee unpacks what it means to be a “Type I” (Intense, Innovative, Instigator, Impulsive) leader, and why God doesn’t demand those who are Type I to “quiet down,” but rather uses their bold personalities for good.

In Episode 11 of “That Was Stupid,” Lee joins to talk about:

  • His truly stupid decision made out of burn-out

  • How he found healing from his past

  • Mental health and taking medication

  • Being adopted

  • What it means to be a “Type I” leader

  • His new book, “Being Peter,” and how people who lead loudly and largely don’t have to hide who they are

  • And more!

This interview struck a chord with me. As I’ve worked through therapy, one of my core hurts and wounds has to deal with my own “loudness.” All growing up (and beyond that) I’ve been told to quiet down, settle down, and sit down. And I’m learning now how much that messed me up. Lee’s book has been so life-giving. In fact, I even wrote an endorsement for it because of that.

If you’d like to watch the video version of the podcast, it’s available to paid supporters here or by clicking the image at the bottom. Let me know what you think! And if you have any guest suggestions, throw them in the comments.

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Lee’s bio:

Lee brings over 30 years of experience in ministry and leadership within the local church. This experience has created a wide understanding of churches and effective strategies alongside his practical work serving as Executive Pastor at The Crossing Church in Las Vegas for the past 16 years.

He also is deeply embedded in partnering and consulting with churches around the country as they lean into the specific vision that God has for their community as president of Growmentum Group. His experience in church leadership also includes a season of student ministry as well as eight years planting and pastoring in Las Vegas.

Lee has a Masters in Global Leadership from Fuller Seminary. He and his wife, Tanya have been married for over 30 years and have two adult children. When Lee isn’t preaching, coaching or consulting, he enjoys running his favorite trails, a round of golf, a great meal, or a night of Vegas Golden Knight hockey.

You can follow Lee on Instagram (@leecoate), book him via his website, and buy his book on Amazon.

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Video version

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"Dear Jon"
That Was Stupid
Candid conversations on taking chances and proving everyone wrong! A fun, informative, and creative show interviewing leaders, celebrities, influencers, newsmakers, and even regular people about monumental, life-changing decisions that caused everyone at the time to say, "That was stupid."